[Updated with videos] Following the release of the PLP platform and the OBA Jobs & Economic Turnaround Plan yesterday, the PLP held a press conference this morning to both expand on their plans and give feedback on the OBA plans.
Patrice Minors said: “While others have beaten the drum for radical cuts and promoted the failed and discredited philosophy of austerity, The Progressive Labour Party has stood strong on the belief that investment in our people, our infrastructure and our communities are the best ways for our country to move forward together.”
“I had the opportunity to take a look at the OBA’s economic plan, and, I can tell you, I was disturbed,” said Glenn Blakeney. “I was disturbed first and foremost by their approach to radically cutting government programmes.”
Wayne Perinchief said: “Now more than ever, the governing of our country must be driven by a social conscience……. compassion for the most vulnerable of our people…a vision that puts Bermudians first and a team of experienced, talented, energetic and hardworking public servants”
“Jobs, Jobs, Jobs are our number one priority, and we have a Plan that will make this happen,” said Wayne Furbert. “The Bermuda Economy grew from $3 billion to $6 billion from 1998 – 2008, under the Progressive Labour Party Government.
“We did it once, and we can do it again, by creating and fostering an environment that has market driven policies, combined with sound regulations and minimal government intervention.”
Minister Patrice Minors’ full statement follows below:
Getting Bermudians back to work and keeping those Bermudians with jobs, in jobs are the main priorities of this government. While others have beaten the drum for radical cuts and promoted the failed and discredited philosophy of austerity, The Progressive Labour Party has stood strong on the belief that investment in our people, our infrastructure and our communities are the best ways for our country to move forward together.
We are facing the worst global economic conditions since the Great Depression of the 1930s and while Bermuda is truly another world, we have also been affected with many of our neighbors, friends and family struggling to find work and finding it tougher and tougher to provide for their families. We believe that by investing in our people, protecting social programmes and jobs within the civil service from drastic and radical cuts we have prevented this recession from being even worse.
A lot has been done, but as long as one qualified, capable, competent and willing Bermudian is unemployed our work remains unfinished. To get Bermudians back to work we will continue to put measures in place to stimulate the economy, remove barriers to employment, increase opportunities for Bermudians as well as retooling, retraining and re-equipping our people with the skill sets needed to find and maintain employment
Moving Forward Together, The PLP will:
Our economic recovery plan is making progress. Our Economic Empowerment Zones in North Hamilton and St. George’s have helped entrepreneurs create new businesses and helped other businesses stay afloat. Times have changed and the challenges are different but we have real, responsible solutions and we understand the problems faced by our people. I ask you to stand strong with as The PLP Is standing strong for Bermudians.
On another matter, I read with great interest OBA Deputy Leader Michael Dunkley’s response to our queries regarding the OBA cover up of the election recommendations presented to him and several other OBA candidates while they were members of the UBP. I have the following questions for him:
Was this report not commissioned by the UBP and paid for by the UBP?
Is the author of this document currently advising the OBA or has he done so in the past?
If this strategist produced a report that Mr. Dunkley said he was ashamed of several years ago before last week saying he didn’t remember receiving it, why would this same individual be consulting the OBA now?
We look forward to Mr. Dunkley coming before the cameras and providing answers to these questions
Minister Glenn Blakeney’s full statement follows below:
Yesterday afternoon, I had the opportunity to take a look at the OBA’s economic plan, and, I can tell you, I was disturbed.
I was disturbed first and foremost by their approach to radically cutting government programmes. They do not tell us what they are going to cut. Instead, they make wild promises of spending increases while simultaneously tell us that they are going to start a commission to examine cuts. My fellow Bermudians, beware of the OBA’s Cuts & Pain Commission!
The OBA has yet to tell us who will be on their Cuts & Pain Commission or who will appoint the members of the Cuts & Pain Commission. They have yet to tell us what exactly will be on the chopping block of that commission. Will it be your benefits? Will it be your salaries? Will it be education? Will it be FutureCare? Will it be DayCare?
Let me paint a picture of what could happen in the coming months if the OBA is elected. The OBA would appoint the Cuts & Pain Commission that would be made up of big businesspeople. These big business people will recommend a series of deep and radical cuts to jobs, education, and pensions – the very programs that Bermudians rely on and that have carried us through this economic crisis. The OBA will feign protest in public, but, then, they would accept the Cuts & Pain Commission recommendations and make these radical and destructive cuts..
We already know that the UBP had a secret plan to gain power. The real question is, do they and their secret Cuts & Pain Commission have a secret plan to cut public education, infrastructure investment, the EEZ and much more?
My fellow Bermudians, we have a real vision for youth family and sports. The National Youth Plan will increase the number of youth apprenticeship and internship schemes. We will introduce the Youth Mentoring for Success” Careers Programme. This will connect young people with mentors who can introduce them to jobs and opportunities. We will increase the number of college scholarships available. We will develop a new sentencing framework and reclassify certain kinds of drugs to make sure that our young people are not unfairly punished. We will provide returning college graduates with a red carpet treatment which includes career counseling, internships and mentoring. This will help our returning college students access job opportunities and career planning.
We will support the family by introducing shared parenting legislation, allowing physically challenged Bermudians to qualify for Financial Assistance, require able-bodied financial assistance clients to undertake a minimum of 10 hours of community service, giving them experience and connections to help bring them out of financial assistance and into the work force. And, develop a new Equalities Act to ensure that all people are treated equally.
On sports, we are putting the finishing touches on the Aquatic Centre and look forward to this investment attracting sports tourism and providing opportunities for our young people. We have done much at the National Sports Complex, we’ve hosted CARIFTA, international football matches and much more. The fact that we have invested in our sporting facilities enables us to host international sporting events which brings sports tourism revenue into Bermuda. In the next term, we will continue to invest in our sporting infrastructure to make sure that our athletes have opportunities to excel.
Minister Wayne Perinchief’s full statement follows below:
The pursuit of and commitment to, freedom, justice and equality has been the hallmark of The Progressive Labour Party. Throughout our history, the PLP has fought for change and pushed our country forward. The PLP has always believed in steady progress for our people and change that moves us forward together. While much has been done, much remains to be done to expand fairness for all.
The next PLP government will:
Now more than ever, the governing of our country must be driven by a social conscience……. compassion for the most vulnerable of our people………. a vision that puts Bermudians first and a team of experienced, talented, energetic and hardworking public servants. Stand strong with us as the PLP stands strong for Bermudians
Minister Wayne Furbert’s full statement follows below:
Good Morning, Our theme “Moving Bermuda Forward together” is significant and the foundation of our belief.
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs are our number one priority, and we have a Plan that will make this happen.
Before I speak on this, I must declare my interest; I have family members, cousins and friends who are without a Job. So my drive to create opportunity is personal, and I do not apologize for it.
The Bermuda Economy grew from $3 billion to $6 billion from 1998 – 2008, under the Progressive Labour Party Government. We did it once, and we can do it again, by creating and fostering an environment that has market driven policies, combined with sound regulations and minimal government intervention.
In 2008 the world economy slapped us in the face, and we could have cut jobs, and stopped capital expenditure, but we did not.
We continued some capital works and kept people employed, because we are not a Government that push people in the streets.
We are not standing here today talking about a promise but we are talking about action.
The Progressive Labor Party Government has been working since mid 2011 to create an entity capable of increasing business for companies in the International Business sector.
The entity will be empowered to sustain the businesses that are here, and to develop brand new business in areas. In particular we will focus investment and competition within the key sectors of Insurance, banking, fund management, wealth management, telecommunications, information technology and legal services..
Partnering with stakeholders in the international sector, Business Bermuda and the Bermuda Insurance Development Council are being merged into the new Bermuda Business Development Corporation (BBDC). The BBDC will be the business development engine that will be engineered to drive business into the international sector.
The Bermuda Government will ensure that the BBDC has the resources needed to accomplish its mission.
This new entity, with the support of the businesses in the international sector, will succeed.
Increased employment in the IB sector (whether Bermudian or Non- Bermudian) will ripple through the entire economy. The new workers will do the following:
All of the above will create employment in various sectors (including the wholesalers), cause payroll taxes to increase and drive sharp increases in customs duties. Government revenues will also increase because the new workers will:
I have not covered the entire impact but the above shows the potential BBDC impact with more specifics.
Success will mean increased GDP, increased jobs in the international sector and increased jobs in all of the supporting sectors in Bermuda like retail, hotels, construction, transportation and local insurance.
This increased economic activity will mean a significantly increased tax base and resulting revenues to the Bermuda Government. That will increase the likelihood of a budget surplus and the ability to pay down National Debt.
This project will be in full swing by April 1, 2013 but the BBDC has already been empowered to support business development activities that arise today.
30 min Q&A with the media:
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Wayne you could make them all travel agents and waive the pyramid scheme fee….
Desperate response from a bunch that has screwed up big time and is now totally out of ideas on how to (a) fix the mess they created, and (b) stop making more mistakes to continue the downward spiral.
The party’s over, PLP. You can say “it was nice while it lasted” but that’s only true for the inner circle. The rest of us are suffering and we’ve had enough.
Time to kick the PLP to the curb.
I got a better idea,you seemed to be very intelligent and educated in political affairs and global,International economic sustainability so I nominated you to be the one to overthrow the government and the hopefuls and you can lead us to dictatorship on your banana boat.
To those who may not be educated to a degree like myself,I will make it plain and clear,I sound very foolish to some and your comments above is almost as good,sounding stupid.
Great idea Duane! Argosy- you’ve got my vote!
“so I nominated you to be the one to overthrow the government and the hopefuls and you can lead us to dictatorship on your banana boat.”
That’s already the plp plan, governments hate competition, after all they’re the ones always calling for independance. Why would we want to go independant under a government that is failing the very people it claims to represent? Oh right, so that way as the people catch on, no one can interfere. Is there any difference between the plp and the pnp other than geographical location? I know I told you the other day the the plp will get back in, but word on the street is there’s a lot of disgruntled supporters, the 17th will be interesting and I’m almost peeing myself with anticipation, I still bet I’m right.
Duane,Can you or anyone deny that after looking at the OBA’s plan, the PLP now has to add to there 40 pages of no plans. They have made people with money and resourse sell and leave. They have time and time again made IB uncomfortable with their racial comments and policies. When they were advised by IB not to raise the payrole tax, that was the last straw!! Time and time again, people with money are want makes the economy run, and the middle class and poor benefit and have jobs indirrectly. I know you personally, I know you are smart and I know you can see what has truely gone wrong, but you hold to this party because of race, there is no other reason. I have supported them time and time again, but this time for the countries benefit and for my kids, there is NO WAY I could do it just because my grandparents and partents always did. I am proud of my old man, he like I see what time it is! It is time for a MAJOR CHANGE for it can’t get any worse. We will talk one of these days when I see you coming up Khybour Pass. You have a good heart, do what is right!
I’m too intelligent and educated etc…etc…to acquire a banana boat, Duane, cos there ain’t any bananas left – sorry!
However, I have invested in a nice Trek bicycle which I will use to pedal over to my local poling station on the 17th to help you out with your nomination of ME and promise to do my bit (my one vote of “equal” value…haha) to overthrow the government.
Thank you for your confidence, which will not go to waste.
Too late, Vince Ingham already told us how you really feel about business. No one in government has stepped forward to say anything different.
Rhetoric. The OBA have been telling us this for a long time. They are part of Government and sit in oppostion until the 17th December 2012. A day that will live in infamy. (and no disrespect to the fallen on 7th December 1941).
Senator Ingham, the Progressive Labour Party’s candidate for Pembroke West, took the business community to task for “playing games with our people”, and told Wednesday night’s audience: “The constituent in Bermuda who in my view is giving the least of all is the business community.”
Enough said… conflicting views on businesses within a party… the PLP’s candidates aren’t even on the same page and the election is 10 days away!
Not only that, he presided as CEO over BELCO for 6 years and failed to modernize our energy production methods. We now pay through the nose for Energy costs, an economic factor that influences every single person or business. Maybe he can elaborate on that!
They call them “The both ways PLP”!
“Patrice Minors said: “While others have beaten the drum for radical cuts and promoted the failed and discredited philosophy of austerity, The Progressive Labour Party has stood strong on the belief that investment in our people, our infrastructure and our communities are the best ways for our country to move forward together.”
Investment in infrastructure is a lie. Show me the income the investment generates. If it generates none, then it is expenditure or at best Capital Expenditure.
OBA are not for Austerity, so what is she talking about ?
Did Minors actually properly read the report…I think not !!!!!!!
It’s called “not telling the truth”.
Hey bye, Patrice Minors is a joke..of all the ministries she has had she had no clue what she was doing…..as the tourism minister she sucked, and every ministerial position she has held she is cluelss.
Perinchief one man one vote…what does that have to do with today…you cannot say to an employer , but I did something greeat hald a century ago, it is about what you do now and what you are going to do……….how about gang violence and the rampant crime…focus your energies where they should have been focused. You slipped up and will be voted out because of this nonsense
Perinchief one man one vote…what does that have to do with today…you cannot say to an employer , but I did something great over half a century ago, it is about what you do now and what you are going to do……….how about gang violence and the rampant crime…focus your energies where they should have been focused. You slipped up and will be voted out because of this nonsense
Wayne, go back to driving your mini bus.
Their ‘one man, one vote’ premise is still a deception in our parliamentary system, given the seat allocation in the house does not reflect the popular vote. It is quite possible for a government to hold a majority of seats with a minority of the popular vote. Unless the election practice is revised such that a party’s power is based on it’s popular vote, we will never have the true definition of ‘one voter, one vote’
Would one of those distinguished persons on that stage care to explain a huge detour called Ewart Brown? Apart from the heinous and scandalous serious allegations of corruption throughout his dozen years in Government, the entire community and especially white folks are owed an apology for his race baiting sectarianism – and yet his name has not been uttered once so far by any PLP candidate. Pretending Ewart Brown never happened is not good enough.
By any means neccessary. Utopia.
Well Victor, have you been paying attention to what is going on in the Turks and Caicos,and the Cayman Islands ? Michael Misick ( buddy of our former premier) has been arrested, and Mckeeva Bush of the Cayman Islands is being investigated,we should all pay attention as to what comes out of mess.
It’s the same thing when Mitt Romney made no mention of W but Obama brought out Bill Clinton.
And…..guess how Mitt and the Republicans fared!!
Furbert: The BBDC will be the business development engine that will be engineered to drive business into the international sector.
what have you been doing for the past 14 years that you haven’t already done this… Give me numbers, results, show me exactly when this will be finalized, or is it just made up fluff scuffed up by your moon walk !!!
ALso if you ask any Exempt International Business leader why the set up in Bermuda, the answer will NOT be because of the PLP. Don’t take credit for decisions made by other people for other reasons…we are not that stupid.
LOL a lost bunch what have my eyes just seen lol
Very obvious that the PLP are not promoting their own platform, but this must mean they can’t. Why aren’t they trumpeting their achievements, and vision for the future? Having to try and disparage the other party’s plans after 14 years in power, shows desperation and fear of having lost the trust of their voters. This is straight from page 4 of Michael Markham’s report – using fear as propaganda.
After 14 years the PLP cannot fight an election based on their record. That says it all.
Wow Mr Furbert, do you think the voters are silly. If Business and employees of business are what you want, why did PLP Ingham slam business. You guys are a mess . Listing what people spend money on to fill time is ridiculous. Will new employees Moonwalk, or is that reserved for the AMAZING NON EXISTANT 4th Pillar SPACE INDUSTRY.
How about concentrating on Tourism and Hotels being built…oh I forgot, there aren’t any being built!!!!!!!!!
We have until this coming year to use our allocated Satellite slot that Minister Bean keeps talking about. (or lose it) The only problem, is that it takes a minimum of five years after an agreeement to design, build and launch a satellite! So this propaganda will probably fool a lot of people, but in reality it is just “pie in the sky”!
Give us the “promised” mid-term and pre-budget numbers, Finance Minister.
Another broken promise….and we know why.
“I was disturbed first and foremost by their approach to radically cutting government programmes.”
Where in their turnaround plan did they say that they planned to “radically cut” anything. Am I reading the same plan?
What I saw in the OBA’s plan was focus on bringing back the economy. What I saw in the PLP plan was nothing but cleaning up the island a bit, but nothing on how to recover our dying economy.
The PLP’s plan is to spend more on initiatives that aren’t sustainable which is what got us here in the first place.
The OBA’s plan focused on the economy and what needs to be done economically to reinvigorate our economy to benefit us all.
Their ‘responses’ are based on the assumption that many of their supporters won’t actually the OBA’s plan – which I suspect is true.
And as long as that is the case, their word is gold – accurate or not.
That’s right. The PLP are in fact talking down the OBA plan to their voters in their own manipulative, negative language and is most likely the only OBA information the PLP voters will hear, because the block out all things coming from OBA mouthpieces. I think the PLP are very quick and effective at going on the offensive. Unfortunately the OBA are not.
Everybody needs to sit down and read the OBA platform on Jobs and economic recovery….Don’t believe what people tell you, find out the thruth for yourself what is in it and then read the PLP economic and jobs plaform pieces and make your own judgement on which is best.
It’s the ‘Straw Man’ tactic. Not a surprise; it’s featured in Markham’s report on election tactics.
“Next week we’ll eliminate world hunger and before December 17th we’ll rid the world of all known diseases. Honest!”
MEANWHILE…moments ago..this PLP Government rushes out an internal posting for ANOTHER PERMENANT Secretary making $179,572 a year.
Just in time to usher in another family member to a cozy postion before the ELECTION – knowing this person will be secured for life.
Due process – think not Transparency – think not PLP – think not
PLP “supporter”, please understand that these folks have run out of ideas, tangible action and need to go. Be a great opposition and help us keep the OBA in check, oh and we will ! You will get a chance again in 5 years if the OBA don’t do a good job. If they do a good job, then you won’t be too put out , because it is not about you, it is about Bermudians and Bermuda.
I don’t understand why the PLP are so desperate to cling on, when they know that they are not the best choice interviewing for the job. If they really wanted the best for Bermudians they would vote OBA. What are they hiding from you. why did the Accountant General get whisked away before the election? Who is the beneficiary of the trust on the new Dame LBEvans building?
The PLP statements contradict each other, their promises never were realized and their plan to plan a plan or proposal is numbingly empty. Where is the 4th Pillar of the economy we were promised…SPACE Industry!!!!! Where that industry would be is empty space.
Where are the hotels. Where is the Public Access to Information. PLP ideas are fantasy and fancy aimed to sound good and “Exciting”, but that is al they are. Whilst they go off on these junkets and watch launches and accept awards from newly formed groups, Bermuda suffers, Bermudians suffer, you suffer.
Grand Atlantic on the South Shore Stands Strong as a reminder that what the PLP wants, we did not want, but they would not listen. If you want people who don’t listen to you then vote for the PLP.
To clarify: when I said “because it is not about you, it is about Bermudians and Bermuda.” I’m refering to “you” as the PLP party.
It would have been clearer if I had typed:
“because it is not about the PLP, it is about Bermudians and Bermuda.”
My apologies for any confusion.
still waiting for real plan..from OBA and PLP
So far we have heard a lot from the party left wing, for a party that is united and ‘stand strong’ together, we have not heard much from Derrick Burgess since his brawl with Micheal Scott this past summer, or from many of the other party right wingers.
Do they not share the rests anti-business view?
And all along I thought it was Straights vs Gays…
cod fish, are you hinting that there are Gays in the present gov ? my oh my say it aint so.
PLP,OBA, this election is about JOBS and economy:
1. $1.3 trillion debt reduction plan ( over 5-7 years maybe) 2. How to create Jobs, key work HOW! 3. Budget , can we have a budget celling???
$1.3 billion if we are very lucky, actually.
All fine and dandy that all the pro OBA thinkers can see the PLP weaknesses.
However, there is a grain of truth in the report prepared for the old UBP:
Voters that are 1)less educated AND in my opinion 2) do not read or listen to the news are unable to make an informed decision.
As energised and hopeful as everyone is, if the group of people above do not get it and if enough of this demographic vote PLP we are all screwed.
FACT. It’s happened before…
Now the plp is just making it up as they go.
C.B.A. they’ve been doing that for years.
And what are you going to say when the PLP get re-elected. Victor Newman would have a field day with Bermuda’s mindset. Irony.
Oh now you are calling it the “cuts & pain Commission “. Cox just calls it the cuts commission….this group of lame brains seem dumber every day…they must know by the number of people showing up at their rally’s that the end is near…lock up the money before they hit the road
Demonising, labelling, misinformation – it’s all there in Markham’s report. That’s the report on election tactics that the card-carrying PLP supporter, a long-serving PLP consultant, wrote this year, apparently for no-one in particular. Making up a name like “cuts and pain commission” is right there in the Markham playbook.
The PLP has nothing, they have had 14 years to put some initiatives in place to help the country but have destroyed the very fabric of our society. 1.5 billion in debt, record unemployment, record reductions in international business, rampant corruption and even once happy Bermudians are escaping in droves to the UK to live on the social system there. Coming to the podium at the eleventh hour says nothing about you, this government was and still is not prepared to run a country I’m going to vote for the OBA and give them a chance, they can do no worse and at least appear to be anti corruption so if they screw up we vote again, that’s why we have a democracy.
I thought Perinchief was disgusted with the current values of the plp and the direction the party was going? What’s he doing sitting at the table?
Oh yeah …. he needs a job.
They all need a job, because no one in their right mind would hire these lot. Desilva and Correira only joined the present gov because they wanted the gov contracts…..and they sure got them these guys are smart guys…who are only looking out for themselves.
My old friend Hamish is so disappointed with the OBA . He constantly says that they ain’t worth sh!t. Luckily for the OBA I defend you and say that you are !
I liked what Dunkley said on ZBM today. The OBA has a secret plan. First Get Elected. Second Save Bermuda. I think that is a very strong and effective message. It really says it all and should be repeated.
Dunkley couldn’t save the UBP ! Why the hell does he think Bermuda needs him to survive . A very strong and effective message is that the three wise men Dunkley , Gibbons and Richards COULD NOT SAVE THE UBP … They have all proven their worth , they are worthless !
You seem to think that the PLP are the only ones that have the answers to rescue Bermuda from the place we find ourselves in. How myopic.
And how did Mr. Furbert make out running the UBP or his bus company and his travel website make a million business..LOL, Yet you are happy to have him in the PLP.
At least Dunkley, Gibbons and Richards know how to run businesses and have proven long track records on building and sustaining businesses. And who do you have in the PLP leading with that kind of record?
Luckily…for all of us…the Government has WAYNE FURBERT (aka I am the UBP) now…the pool of intellect has deepened and we can be saved.
I think the PLP has a genuine concern towards any proposed cuts the OBA might make, the first thing they will cut are the consultanting contracts and civil service jobs the PLP have been giving to their members/family/friends who get employment in the private sector.
On the topic of cuts, I have been hearing from several friends around the island and hospital that the expert the PLP brought in to help make the hospital more efficient, cost effective and to determine where it has the dead weight, had his work permit pulled and was escorted off the island within 1 day. What happened, did he find dead wood to high up on the tree?
10,000 unemployed or underemployed Bermudians, all created under the PLP does not give one faith that this government can move the jobs needle in the right direction.
Civil Service bloated by 40% under the PLP does not make the argument for reelection a strong one
$1.5 Billion debt with interest payments alone at $45 million a year is frightening
The loss of thousands of hotel rooms since 1998 and a reliance on low end cruise business does little to boost much needed revenues
Loss of IB companies and jobs adds to our woes
Loss of expat jobs means hundreds of empty rental units and landlords facing loss of properties
Sadly I don’t think either of our Party choices have the answer to this mess the PLP have ‘got’ us in
Consultant are an area the PLP always try to dismiss as not really enough money to make a difference so it’s not even worth bothering with. I have heard of one consultant making $35,000 PER MONTH for 2 years! He just finished up. I hope he was worth all that! Just imagine how much more is being spent on consultants that is kept very low key. What about the former Minister on $160,000 per year as a consultant – for years. What is she doing for us? We have no idea. There is simply no accountability. The PLP just can’t stop spending money – on themselves.
35,000 a year, kick a bit back to the Minister but not that much, wine and dine him on a few trips, and everybody is happy carrying on like serious thoughtful work is being done until the money runs out – fourteen years of new money ignorance by what are mainly a bunch of unemployable pretenders and our national savings and capital have been destroyed.
If the PLP truly had it together they wouldn’t have to worry about the OBA’S future Plans. but… 3000+ People unemployed is a lot to worry about especially if the bulk of them were or are PLP supporters. I thought that the PLP was on top of there game. 1.7 Billion Debt – how do you explain that.-the question is how the PLP is going to fix it.- or do they know how to. If they keep worrying about the OBA,this only means that they feel that there in trouble.
a must watch video for Bermudians, please comment, l dare you!
I dare the PLP Spin Doctors to post the video on their Web Site and comment…when Wayne crossed the floor to the PLP he titled his self honoring speech ‘I am who I am”. Clearly, he really can’t be sure who he is or what he stands for. Its apparent that Hamilton West has the choice of three candidates Donte Hunt OBA. Wayne Furbert PLP and Wayne Furbert UBP…clearly he wrote a “secret plan”…just can’t remember what it is! Seriously, whoever you support this Christmas, watch the video!
Poor Lois, Freddie, Julian, Austin, Gilbert, Walter, David, Molly, and dare I say even father Eugene, must be ‘rolling in their graves’… Surely this is not the ‘proud party legacy’ they worked so long and hard for and died for… They fought the good fight of high morals, integrity and justice, but now it all seems lost and abandoned, (10 years later) how far have we strayed?! They would be thoroughly embarrassed and ashamed! Randy, Dale, Jennifer, and Paula, what say you in good conscience?! Remember ‘we had to deceive you’, ‘I’m just a cog in the wheel’, ‘mock it up’, ‘make it happen’, overspend, overspend, overspend, ‘it’s unethical but not illegal’, sorry but the negatives far outweigh the positives… and there’s no such thing as ‘free’, somewhere, somehow we all pay… you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours… severe lack of accountability, justice and leadership… the silence is truly deafening… the children are watching and listening too, what examples are we setting ?! Double standards abound, shameful, shameful, we can do much better to ensure our collective futures!!! Please, Lord have mercy on our souls…… time to vote……..
So….. it took the UBP 40+ years to self destruct, fizzle and become extinct and not to be outdone, now it appears the PLP are in hot pursuit, mimicking a similar performance of scandals, hiccups and alienating themselves from the people, tourists and big business, on a much grander scale.
Possibly, the two party system needs to be shelved in the annals of history with the dinosaurs. A golden opportunity exists for the OBA to amalgamate with the ‘near to be extinct’ PLP, as they did such a great job amalgamating and re-branding with the dormant UBP.
‘One party’, of intelligent, gifted, enlightened men and women, young and seasoned, black and white, for the collective benefit of ‘one island’, in spite of our differences and opinions. A ‘win-win’ scenario, no more ‘divide and conquer’, after all, ‘united we stand and divided we fall’. The new name could be One United Progressive National Liberal Alliance of Bermuda, or, One United Progressive Democratic Alliance of Bermuda, or, One United Progressive Bermudian Alliance. If we can get men on the moon, we can do this too…. it’s so crazy and preposterous it just might work, seriously folks…. consider Bill Gates and his crazy idea, look where it took him! We do have the collective intelligence, talent and potential required to accomplish such an awesome feat! Time will tell…… time to vote…..