[Updated] Officials have confirmed there will be a Parliamentary swearing-in ceremony this morning [Nov.2] at 11:30am at Government House, although there was no indication as to who will be taking oaths of office.
Update 11.28am: The ceremony has not yet begun, however numerous people are present at Government House.
Update 11.37am: Cabinet Changes announced thus far:
Update 11.47am: Both Terry Lister and Neletha Butterfield are now out of Cabinet and there are two new Cabinet Ministers; Marc Bean [below left] is the new Minister of the Environment, Planning & Infrastructure; while Wayne Furbert [below right] is the new Minister of Tourism and Business.
Update 11.52am: Retaining their current Cabinet positions are Health Minister Zane Desilva, Community Development Minister Michael Weeks, National Security Minister Wayne Perinchief, Minister of Youth, Families & Sport Glenn Blakeney and Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith. Premier Paula Cox also retains the Finance portfolio.
Update 11.58am: Summary: Ministers moved to new portfolios in the Premier’s Cabinet reshuffle were: Derrick Burgess from Public Works to Transport; Walter Roban from the Environment Ministry to Public Works; Kim Wilson from the Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry to the position of Attorney General and Minister of Justice; Patrice Minors from Business Development & Tourism to Economy, Trade & Industry and Michael Scott from the position of Attorney General to the Minister for Government Estates & Information Services.
Former UBP leader Wayne Furbert — who crossed the floor of the House of Assembly and joined the PLP last year — has his first Cabinet appointment under the current Government as Minister of Business Development and Tourism. And recently elected MP Marc Bean — who won former Premier Dr. Ewart Brown’s Warwick constituency when he retired from the House of Assembly — is the new Environment, Planning & Infrastructure Strategy Minister.
Update 1.12pm: Video of the Premier announcing the changes:
Update 1.40pm: Swearing in of the two new Ministers – Marc Bean and Wayne Furbert:
Update 1.55pm: Minister Marc Bean said, “I would like to thank Madame Premier for having the confidence in me to serve in her Cabinet. I would also like to thank my family.”
“I feel that we are living in perilous times, and I think my role is to be part of a Cabinet which can help us safely navigate these uncharted waters. And so I am going to do my part to encourage us as a Government to change course. And not for short term gain, but for long term benefits for the country.”
Update 2.00pm: Minister Wayne Furbert said, “It’s a lot of hard work. We realize the job that is before us. I will be talking to former Minister – Minister Patrice Minors – I would to like to first of all thank her. I have seen quite a few Ministers in another hat also, and I would like to thank the Minister for her job.”
“But we realize the responsibility before us, the responsibility in tourism, our responsibility to move Bermuda forward. I am praying that all of you will give me time, let me get out there. Let me get back to work, let me get some work done at the Ministry before you ask me real hard questions.”
#BermudaGovernment #BermudaPolitics #MarcBean #PaulaCox #PLP #ProgressiveLabourParty #WayneFurbert
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The suspense and tension in the air……what will the surprise be?
Finally Wayne Furbert gets to suck off the public tit. Mission accomplished eh Wayne??
WOw what Hate says: November 2, 2011 at 6:10 pm Next year the UBP or OBA will change their name again. Then you will all flip back when you finish last. Wayne was on your team now you all want to take a rope and hang him on a tree, so the birds pick at him. Now your only showing your true colors not of white, but of HATE.
I will never vote for the UBP/OBA now what I have seen first hand what you all do to one of your X members that decides to part ways.
What a sad bunch of people you are. I really hope you continue to push this hate until the election, in the end it will drive your own supporters away from you.
The PLP will not even have to use the race card if you keep this up. One thing blacks do and will always do is forgive each other despite are ideas.
I can tell you this I use to vote for the UBP, but when I saw what you do to your black members after you have use them exzample Wayne Furbert……well I left without even packing my clothes.
Vote for what is best for Bermuda. If you think Bermuda has been doing brilliantly in the last 13 years and that we are now all better off thanks to Cox selling our childrens future, then vote PLP. Everything else you read or hear is just NOISE.
Thanks for the up to minute coverage guys. We’d probably wait until tomorrow to read it in the paper.
Our attempts to did not go so well, we often drop signal at Government House and that happened today. Sorry about that, we should have the full videos up shortly…
why is Patrice being moved to another key ministry? Nice Lady but is she right for the position? Lots of regulatory madness going on in telecoms, I’m not sure she is the correct person……hummmmmm
So despite the PLP’s distate of the UBP they appoint an ex leader of the UBP to run Tourism! Way to go, let’s hope he stays clear of pyramid schemes.
Yeah, mind boggling…..gosh I’m really all clogged up with BS…..what a slap in the face for the ppl that fought long and hard some committing financial and political suicide to have this man pushed to the front of the queue….
Shuffling the deck chairs on HMS Bermuda…………………………..
Shit!!!!! I gotta do a sliff and a some cocain quick……..
Engine room is flooded,people are leaving and the Captain (Coxwain Cox) has shut down channel 16………………………
Sorry for all my ole friends and relatives.
Time for Operation “OBA”…..call in the salvage crew……….
The choices made by this Premier is very questionable. Now she’s put Kim Wilson back in the position she first had a year ago. (backtracking again).. Ex UBP leader is now minister of tourism! Derrick burgess now in charge of transport… This lady needs not be premeir and shud try to concentrate on finance ministry which she cant even do that right!!!
Dale why are you still associated with these people? Haven’t you been betrayed enuf???
Consider this all you naysayers and critics: Some of the moves may very well be questionable but some are proving to be of valuable importance…
Take for example Burgess to Transport.. Has anyone ever considered that Deputy Premier Burgess was the Predecessor of now BIU President Chris Furbert and with the number of unwarranted strikes/PTB feuds, the likeliness of these events (and/or hold up in public transportation) may be less likely to occur in the future?
The Ministry of Tourism, Business Development & Economy will be headed by a business man who despite his previous association maintains a healthy rapport with clients from both sides of the fence. Contrary to popular belief I am certain that Mr. Furbert of all people has managed to keep afloat with a thriving business during this economic downturn.
Kim Wilson has not only made significant changes during her term in the Economy & Trade ministry but her knowledge of legislation, drafting and law is equally as crucial with the antiquated law system we have in place to date. She is a pillar of strength and a very, very intelligent woman who as a Minister is keen and on par unlike so many others.
I think the only malignant growth here is the insistence of such objective comments from the likes of individuals who do very little to show support for a Premier who has taken the brunt of licks. Despite Madame Premier being a cog in the wheel Premier Cox has fostered many relationships with the International Community (including Sir John Swan) in championing reform for complete disregard of government and political changes. Although the changes are subtle at least she is taking the correct steps to rectify them.
Rome and the Sistine Chapel were not built in a day. As a matter of fact Michelangelo spent 16 hours a day painting the masterpiece that took over 4 years to paint the ceiling alone. So, one can imagine that the pace at which Madame Premier is working is by far superior than those of her predecessors…..
Besides it only took EB 4 years to undo 30+ years caused by the UBP… Go figure…
What exactly did he “undo?”
Clarity undo (doesn’t mean it is a good thing either)
Medical Changed Transport Changed Tourism Changed
OPERATION “OBA”. I like that !!
Euchre must be played alot over there at Alaska Hall. This party loves to shuffle the deck….what is it…once a year?
…..along with the new Ministers, how much more will we Taxpayers be spending on consultants to advise the new class of 2011.
Premier, please throw in the towel now before you and Bermuda take any further knockdowns.
what has she got to choose from really….got to throw Wayner a bone in case he gets reelected(ain’t gonna happen Wayne) Butler challenged you although half heartedly(being kind) but you had a better hat(sorry Dale but the sailor hat was lame)Burgess? well watt are you going to do with him? sorry but that light bulb is too dim. Face it it is a very sorry lot of people to work with and they are not going to suddenly turn into geniuses overnight….at least they all get to keep the higher pay until they get the boot…..
Got to keep the ministers changing. That way they can claim “a new start” and avoid being blamed for poor delivery, bad accountability, etc.
Another bonus (for them): each backbencher that gets a turn in Cabinet scores a much plusher pension.
The question is: if they have to keep changing Ministers so frequently …. is that a sign that they just don’t have the right people?
Hmm, did you know that Ministers get a pension as an MP and for their Cabinet office? A double dip!
At this rate, the number of PLP MPs that haven’t rotated through Cabinet must be small.
Some different faces, same old tired agenda of nothing new and hope for the best…. good luck Bermuda! Now is not the time to be procrastinating – get on with it and actually DO something GOOD for BERMUDA!
Let’s see, how did the PLP put it this morning… a “renaming charade”…?
The UBP leader is now “renamed” the PLP tourism minister.
Perhaps he has some pyramids that will attract tourists.
Three sides to a tryangle………
Two sides to a floor.
As a new member of the “Termite” Party we will eat you alive. Better call Stanley Steamer……………………………….bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
This mass game of political musical chairs will deepen the freeze in the civil service cuz everyone will be afraid to do anything until the new Minister gets a handle on their responsibilities.
Sure they have estates on Martha’s Vineyard. They have estates in NY. They have estates in Turks …
Since the uneducated seem to be frequenting this blog: Estates in Government refer to any buliding, parks, beaches, etc. owned by the CROWN and maintained by the government!!
Get a clue you losers!!
Are you f-ing kidding me ..Wayne for tourism….he is the idiot who recomended all of Bermuda back that tourism website that turned out to be a pyramid scheme…..it took 30 seconds of google to find this out, while he was out pushing this website……Bermuda has no hope…
Give him a chance, can’t do much worst than those before him! Oh and by the way, that website business is still alive and well mate.
Not understanding why Patrice (who cannot take a decision on anything) is put in charge of a critical Ministry like Economy and the Immigration Board.
Paula, last year I supported you 100%, also with the press attacks, but this is completely ridiculous I know Patrice has been a loyal confidant over the years from the early days but for heavens sake Patrice cannot manage this typr of work.
The biggest joke of all is Marc Bean as the Minister of the Environment, Planning & Infrastructure! Ha haaaa you’ve definitely lost the last bit of my confidence and support Madame Premier! You thought the numbers of over turned DoP/DAB planning decisions by the Minister and SDOs were bad in the past you just wait! The chickens have definitely come home to roost eh?!
Pull the plug and let us get it over with quickly!
Then when its all gone down the drain we can start with a fresh canvas, creating something ‘in our image’ – that’s gotta be the only logic that justifies where this Government are taking us!
Interesting the amount of hate on this website. So we get a young person in cabinet and he’s attacked. What next?
Wasn’t Marc Bean the one who called our most activee environmental protection agency “a bunch of Muppets”? Does not bode well for our remaining protected areas.
errybuddy gets a turn that way they get more pay and a bigger pension….election will be held at the last possible moment in order for errybuddy to rake in the dough…stick a fork in them….show of hands who has not had a ministry? anybody? Beuller? hello?
Someone pls answer these few questions… Why does the premier continue to hold ontothe finance ministry when she has been so instrumental in causing so much debt? Why won’t she trying concentrating on running the country? And why does she not have faith in any of her back benchers – she refuses to give any of them a post (any back bencher for the PLP shud be embarrassed) with Wayne furbert having a major position after just one year of joining from the opposition! Let’s see if an answer can be provided..
1. Madame Premier subsequent to her full-time role as Finance Minister was a previous employee of ACE (Bermuda). In her capacity she was a Corporate Counsel and at HSBC (formerly The Bank of Bermuda) VP Senior Legal Counsel of Global Funds. I am certain Madame Premier has a wealth of knowledge in the finance arena and she too has capitalized on fostering relationships with many. Note, the recent extension of term limits has been lifted as a result of Madame Cox’s premiership a policy implemented by EB & Burch… Not Premier Cox. I guess one would assume she knows how crucial International Business is to the well being of this country. Furthermore, she is not instrumental in the debt. What the media has done has highlighted and exposed what has been inevitable? And just as a matter of interest do you really think EB takes NO for answer? I think many forget that he retained the Ministry of Tourism & Transport portfolio a post just like the Ministry of Public Works that allows Ministers to have Minsterial discretion. Just a bit of fyi.
Well, time will certainly tell with regard to her latest appointments, but I strongly believe it is too early to rule out who is capable of what? If many of the OBA/UBP members split orginally because of the disharmony and lack of creativity or antiquated ways of doing things, who would you suggest to run for the PLP? They are after all the ruling party….
Cox studied polirics, and law. She WAS a lawyer. Lawyers have little knowledge in financial matters. Lawyers make sure activities comply with law. They do not instigate, control or make the decisions that drive activities. As for saying no to EB, it was her job to say no, she failed.
@WHAT– Perhaps you should dig a wee bit deeper outside of the scope of her being a LAWYER. She is a lawyer specializing in compliance of global fund administration, etc in two FINANCIAL arenas. And in case you didn’t know, FINANCIAL COMPLIANCE is a MAJOR component to the role of the Finance Minister.
And to help you further, each Ministry (and department) within government is allocated a budget and a specific Comptroller (whose role is also to clamp out and say no).
Consider this, what about all of the other hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars that could have been frivolously spent or allocated on other initiatives that we have not heard about. And as I sated previously, there are a select few Ministers who can use Minsterial discretion to override decisions made in a particular Ministry– hence the current lighting fiasco purported by the previous Minister of Public Works. When Ministers (individuals) use their discretionary powers and knowingly disregard policies and practices you can only expect rogue behavior. And that was my point.
@ FYI- Just A Thought: THANKS SO MUCH for providing persons with detailed and clear information, as it is apparent they are debating issues with out complete understanding of the facts. Please keep writing to help persons understand.
lawyers don’t do the financial compliance, they do the legal compliance. Wakey wakey. financial compliance is done by accountants in these companies. Get a clue guys.
Who do you think sets up the regulations in order for FINANCIAL COMPLIANCE to be completed by the ACCOUNTANTS? Now you get a clue… No different than a lawyer drafting legislation and reform and THE POLICE ENFORCING IT!!!
The lawyers draft the law to ensure the financial framework developed by accountants. Lawyers don’t develop financial frameworks, then ensure that the laws reflect the accountant developed frameworks. We are not talking about legislation here though, we are talking about Corporate law and in house counsel. The company does what the company intends to do, the contract is drafted and wording is argued, discussed and agreed by the lawyers of the parties involved. They have little to do with the deal, just the legal agreement. From a Bermuda perspective, this involves much educating of overseas lawyers of clauses and wording that does not work in Bermuda. This is why things like faith based tourism stink….Mrs Cox should have been all over this contract and she wasn’t. Please dont profess to know about something you clearly don’t understand.
“The lawyers draft the law to ensure the financial framework developed by accountants”.
I am certain that a Lawyer would need to have some sort of understanding how the developments of an Accountant work in order for it to be maintained by Accountants. It is like building a computer:
There are two components the hardware and the software. A service technician may assemble and compose the cpu to run and operate, but may not have any idea how to write applications or understand code in order for applications to operate within the computer. Roles that could conversely be confused as one in the same.
My point is it is the law that binds and governs…. The role of any Minister can be shifted and changed and are all appointed posts. Therefore, I would like to hold each Accountant for every dept accountable when funds go MIA or used inappropriately, that along with other Senior Civil Servants and Managers that abuse their powers.
Furthermore, to provide further clarity Marc Telemaque a qualified solicitor, and former Permanent Secretary commissioned the execution of a poorly drafted contract. If anything he should have been all over it, but assuming he was doing as he was told “by making it happen”.
Yup, musical chairs so that everyone qualifies for a pension before they get thrown out. The PLP backbench must love seeing Wayne Furburt pased over them for a prime position at the feeding trough.
How could this Premier overlook her loyal supporters to give a crucial Ministry like Tourism to someone that has crossed the floor ” because his feelings got hurt” by the very people he thought were the best to run this country. If the PLP lose the election (might be a good thing) will he stay or will he go? I am watching and waiting. I am sure there are reasons for whatever Premier Cox is doing-I just wonder what the heck they are!
Wayne has always been PLP at heart !! Finally he came home, to where he has always belonged. Over the years his family would ask “Wayne come home”! Finally, after the UBP/OBA treated him so badly, he made the decision to come home. The lost son came home!! Wayne is a worker and he cares for Bermuda.
Mr Bean is the guy who (when he was Junior Transport Minister) said he doesn’t like flying in planes or travelling in buses or ferries that are over 5 years old.
Obviously, he has the sophistication and intellectual capacity to be made tourism minister after this one screws it up.
Everyone is saying that the OBA is a repackaged UBP. What would you call Wayne Furbert? Is he not considered repackaged UBP? If not, why? It’s a bit hypocritical to say the least.
As a young black man from Pembroke I spoke to Wayne many times and told him to get out of the UBP=OBA. Now that he’s stop being a uncle Tom and flying the peoples flag, it’s interesting to see all whites in a OBA beat up on him now that he’s not on their team.
Come election day I will be looking at the Tv with eyes glued on Hamilton Parish. In truth from what I have seen so far the OBA better bring a white horse named Pegasus with wings on it if they want to beat Wayne.
It was really interesting to me to see all of the blacks beat up on Wayne when he was in the UBP, but now that he simply “switched sides” all of the sudden he is no longer an Uncle Tom? Simply by crossing the floor one is no longer an Uncle Tom? That just proves to anyone with a brain that the Uncle Tom claim is baseless. It has no meaning other than racial rhetoric to fool people. Thanks for clearing that up. Uncle Tom=racial rhetoric by PLP. Thanks
This, my friends, is a circus.
This isnt running a country and its people…. Its a chess match. What a joke. They might as well put Santa Claus, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd to run Ministries. What a bunch of clowns.
Pagasuz…White Horse is in St. Jorge. Nah de Black Horse…..val….detz annudar tribe………
It is very funny to see all the negative attacks launched against Wayne.
He is called a traitor, flip-flopper, hypoctire amoung other things.
If Wayne is a flipper, what do you call the majority of the OBA? That party has far more ‘cross overs’ than the PLP.
However, I do not see people beating up on the OBA as much as they are beating up on Wayne.
I would say this is hypocritical.
Actually the reason I even inquired about Wayne Furbert was because of all the people saying that OBA was repackaged UBP on the bi-election article. I kept reading this same thing over and over and over and over and over again. So I think what people are wondering is if the OBA is repackaged UBP then, what is Mr. Furbert? And when is comes down to it, if the old UBP supporters are supporting the OBA due to what you all are saying (it’s the same party) then isn’t it twice as bad that the PLP supporters are supporting their enemy(UBP)? Remember it was the PLP that attacked Mr Furbert with all the Uncle Tom bs, NOT the UBP supporters.
Next year the UBP or OBA will change their name again. Then you will all flip back when you finish last. Wayne was on your team now you all want to take a rope and hang him on a tree, so the birds pick at him. Now your only showing your true colors not of white, but of HATE.
I will never vote for the UBP/OBA now what I have seen first hand what you all do to one of your X members that decides to part ways.
What a sad bunch of people you are. I really hope you continue to push this hate until the election, in the end it will drive your own supporters away from you.
The PLP will not even have to use the race card if you keep this up. One thing blacks do and will always do is forgive each other despite are ideas.
I can tell you this I use to vote for the UBP, but when I saw what you do to your black members after you have use them exzample Wayne Furbert……well I left without even packing my clothes.
You are great at dodging the question! And I never said one negative thing about Mr. Furbert if you actually read my post, which you obviously did not. There is NO HATE in my post, stop the spinning you are getting dizzy. Please point out where my post has anything hateful about Mr. Furbert. And remember, the hate on Mr. Furbert STARTED with the PLP calling him an Uncle Tom. I was making a point, bit I see nobody has the guts to answer, that’s cool.
It’s just propaganda look the same thing is posted at the top so that people who have not read this story and comments will see it there and then again here their intention is not to answer questions just post the spin and accuss everyone else of hating to keep people heated very republican style. The PLP Bermudas own Tea Party……… If Palin was black they would have her over for dinner and a speech…….
watch out!!!! watch how an independent online travel agency will take off now
pick de bones out of dat one
Stop hating. No matter what the PLP does you all complain but you have no solution. You started out the OBA with an internal fight calling it Mr. UBP Independent. UBP/OBA had their chance and they messed up the island and took as much as they could that is why in 1998 you were voted out. Get used to your Opposition position. I believe Wayne Furbert will make a big difference in Tourism. Instead of hating why don’t you consider supporting Bermuda because we all live here. Welcome to the New Cabinet. Well done Premier Cox.
Yes well done indeed, 1 billion in debt well done.
I guess you have a selective memory. Airport with no bathrooms under UBP/OBA and the list goes on. At least the 1 billion is on capital projects instead of in your pocket. In fact how much did you make from stealing Tucker’s Town from us and what is it worth now. Remember the days of slavery are over and we rule now. How come the UBP supports voted for Cannon instead of Sully. Let me answer this for you. The OBA is the UBP in a Halloween attire. Take of the mass and we see the same old faces, literally.
I guess you have a selective memory. Full employment, little crime, no public debt, jobs available for anyone that wanted one. 75 hotels and guest houses existed that are now closed and demolished.
You think the days of slavery are over. Yes, nearly 200 years ago. What is life like when you have no job and you’re living in poverty? You’ll be finding out soon.
Please show a breakdown of the $1billion spent on Capital Projects. Berkeley; Pier; Lois Browne Evans Building…… what else? I’ll save you time. It hasn’t been spent on Capital Projects. Maybe half, the other half has been spent on the overspends and non existent contracts.
There’s $100m that ended up in Martha’s Vinyard.
Then what does that make Mr. Furbert?
What’s the red thing stuck to the Premier’s chest in the picture? Where’d the other one go?
It means she is in and with the “RED”.
Being in the ‘Black’ would be beter for all but thats racists right?
Imagine saying “WERE ALL BLACK AND PROUD”.
Come on ..show some respect,,you go ahead and disagree with what Primier Cox does or thinks But show some respect…for the lady..
I am sure he will ‘Lion’.
Lets see….new cruise ship. Carnavil will be back…….Hmmmmmm
Sounds like the plan is working.
Amazing how a few mill here and there works…..
What a bunch of ponzies we turn out to be.
Watching Derek soon after he got his GP car – driving around after office hours in his red cap with a lawnmower sticking out of the back of the car heading west….perhaps he was getting practice for his new position “Transport all I can in the taxpayers car” Minister…
O.K. let me try to understand. I read a statement released by the PLP (with very little class) pull apart an election win by Cannonier and basically talk down to voters of the area calling them UBP followers because PLP was unsuccessful in secure any of their votes. What was it “the UBP/OBA” just renamed? This cheap shot, obviously shows their dislike for this new opposition party as just the same old UBP who should all just go away. Next to read that an EX-UBP representative (leader) has been entrusted with the Tourism Ministry. Whoever is allowed to write/release these press statements is unqualified, and if all releases are authorized by the Premier, than it is confirmed, “They truly are a lost party without ideas or direction”.
I have made a number of counteracting comments in light of the stint of comments by many resident bloggers. Whilst so many point fingers and criticize Madame Cox’s recent decisions, I find that these are the same persons who have begged for her to remove (and/or shuffle people from these posts). One commonality I find that is prevalent amongst the ruling party and opposition is the fact that each party have their loyalists. It is evident with the number of baseless comments that diffuse through this blog and many others. And what makes me smile is if you really think that Madam Cox isn’t aware, she is very much so.
The PLP and UBP similarities:
Both parties are trying to reinvent themselves during an economic crisis and infusing the party with new faces, new energy, new ideas, etc. (you get the point).
Both share a common sentiment that in order to better serve the country yes, the following has to be done: term limits; good governance; better business and policing practices; reform in the law.. ALL OF WHICH IS CURRENTLY UNDERWAY.
Both PLP and OBA/UBP old heads i.e., Michael Dunkley, Trevor Moniz, Col. David Burch, Deputy Premier Burgess and the list goes on and on represent a MAJORITY of the former stakeholders in both parties– OLD SCHOOL PARTY LOYALISTS, who are NOT open to change and would prefer to operate under the same aniquated regime.
Has anyone ever really considered this: that in the 30+ years of the UBP empowerment many of the laws drafted were geared towards division of class (rich and poor)? And not by color… Because what I find many seem to overlook is that the MINORITY of people here in Bermuda are not just Blacks. I am also referring to Portuguese, West Indians, All other ethinicities and Permanent Residents alike. I am sure I could go on and on, but the point is, whilst so many are quick to critisize and changes are taking place, it WILL NOT HAPPEN IN A DAY. Putting the right people in place who are familiar with good governances practices can only work to serve the people of Bermuda in a fair and just way.
Blacks are not the minority here. Where did you get that? You sure you did not betray yourself with that comment. Oh and I was there when the PLP talked about the Portuguese and West Indians and non of it was in a good light hence the low support from the Portuguese. So way are you trying to bottle them up together. Blacks are the majority and traditionally as evidence through many speeches over the years white, Portuguese and many others nationalities are getting the short end of the stick. Or do we have to bring up the hate towards the Philippinos that has recently erupted.
@ LOL you are only supporting my point!! Read properly before making an attack I said that laws were drafted in the division of class RICH AND POOR. I work in an industry where I can tell you that BLACKS do not OWN at least a 1/4 of Bermuda thus, making them a MINORITY along with the many ethnicities and foreigners (like my father) represent in Bermuda!!!!!
LOL laugh at yourself for real, because you seem to be very clueless and pick. Food for thought, believe half of what you see and NONE of what you hear.
So big deal Wayne Perinchief retains. It is just a matter of time and he is still gone according to Alaska Hall. Don’t you see it? Did not he just get voted out? Sheep……Bwa bwa bwa…………….
Bernews could you please interview some of the PLP backbenchers to get their feelings on Wayne Furbert getting a ministry? Tell them they can do it anonymously, as you can see, many of us are eager to know. Thanks.
And this is the best that the Premier can do???? Sad.
Do the Cabinet Reshuffle..bump….ba…bump bump…..bump….ba…bump bump!
Wayne Furbert – Tourism (In my best LL Cool J rap voice…. “Don’t call it a comeback!!!! I’ve been here for yeeearss!”)
Patrice Minors – Economy (she knew nothing about tourism…let’s hope she knows a lil something about the economy, other than not ridin it it while traveling)
Kim Wilson – Attorney General (once again …a repeat….is better than…..a defeat)
Marc Bean – Environment (now he can grow all the natural mind relaxin horticulture he wants)
Walter Roban – Public Works (he can’t mess this ministry up too much cause there ain’t much public works going on at the moment cause “goverment” is broke!)
Derrick Burgess – Transport (an ex-union boss is now charged with keeping the current union boss in check)
“When the illusion is over…that’s when the absurdity of it all begins.
Laverne Furbert was interviewed on yesterday’s newscast and she was so bitter about losing to that fake PLP intruder Wayne “UBP” Furbert in the Bay candidate selection vote and now being replaced in the senate, that she was choking on her own bile…ROFL!!!!
Laverne Furbert is an embarrassment to Bermuda I hope many people overseas had seen that news interview. You can see she is bitter about the whole deal
I second that… When the likes of a Laverne Furbert or a Rolfe can take public office, you KNOW something is wrong with your government… These people offer little more in my opinion than copious ammounts of venom and ignorance being introduced into Bermudian society. I am actually impressed that Paula removed her… She does care about public perception of the PLP government after all!
Now if only she would do the same to Rolfe and install a muzzle on Col burch the PLP might clean up nicely yet!
I am exstatic that nobody including the PLP “respects her authority” :0
I borrowed the following. It is too funny to not re-post:
Furbert brought a pair of flip flops, painted green and white. When he tried them on his feet, they really felt just right. But when he got them home and tried them on again, he realised the sound they made. His happiness began to fade, his flip flops were going flop-flip. What happened to my flip flops? They’re going flop-flip. What happened to my flip flops? They’re going flop-flip.
Say what you like ; Flip Flop Furbert is the fastest man alive when it comes to chasing the money . Them green ‘n’ white flip flops got soles built for speed and GPS’d to HSBC .
So the Premier thinks that shuffling the deck is gonna help the PLP win the next election. Well dream on all you PLP loyalists we are tired of all the BS….
I wish people would quit bashing PEOPLE, instead bash the things they have done that perhaps you don’t agree with. DERRICK BURGESS IS MY GRANDFATHER, I can’t stand to see when people talk bad about him, especially the media because I as does God knows his HEART. Instead of COMPLAINING perhaps YOU should put forth SOLUTIONS then Bermuda will more forward. My papa is VERY open to the opinions of others, you all don’t know how often my house phone rings with people expressing their concerns and he does strive to help…. TRUST ME! Also… the media has a way of embellishing stories they are half past biased….have a mind of your own generate your OWN opinions, corroborate your evidence and stop using this one site, get your facts together before making ignorant remarks.
I am 16 years old, i am the future……When people say things like “Bermuda has no hope” and things of that nature i take it very personal. You are only giving the enemy what he wants to hear, you are speaking it into existence…speak LIFE…..have some faith!
I doubt you have much of a future – your Grandfather and his band of cronies have squandered it.
MY future is what I make of it, the choices I make will determine MY future thanks Mr.James…
And who are you to determine my fate and say “i doubt you have much of a future”…. we’ll leave that to God!
I doubt your grandfather and God have much in common.
Just a guesstion is he as racist as he sounds? You know him thought I’d ask.
LOL note I did not call him racist just said he sounds it.
Ms. Shi– you are a very intelligent and outspoken lady who has so much more to offer, than to retort against an individual(s) who is primary goal was to agitate readers as such. You have many life lessons to learn, and considering the nature of many of these blogs/comments you will soon learn to pick your battles.
Now whilst, I may not entirely agree with all that is also being said, your Grandfather is a man that means so, much more to you from a personal perspective. Consequently, whilst you have been embarrassed by the charade of comments about him and do know first hand how he has been instrumental, lest we take a back seat and look at the bigger picture of things. The protocol in which things should be done are not always followed and yes, the media will ostracize and paint a different picture, but those who work within also have their own opinions and thoughts.
Food for thought, BAD PUBLICITY is still PUBLICITY.
In politics stupidity is not a handicap.
You’ll never please the spoiled !!!
Much ado about nothing – the bottom line (it really is the bottom line) is that after thirteen years of PLP government, Bermuda is broke in every sense of the word – financially, morally, socially, etc – shuffling the same group of mediocrities will achieve nothing. As for Wayne Furbert, nothing but an opportunist with nothing whatsoever to offer.
Hit the nail on the head . The PLP are done. Where is the tourism plan, the accountibility, the Nov construction, how many of the Warwick condos have been sold at their full asking price to the public. How ,any unemployed folks have secured employment from the fairs and are now earning money as a result. What is retail, they still haven’t figured it out. We want results not musical minister chairs. At the coming election the music has stopped and we are not going to be paying for your seats to play your money grabbing game any more.
I thought Paula’s speech on Saturday was about ‘smart power’? Does shuffling people around make them ‘smarter’?
13 years?? what about the last 30 wher are the tourists?? O thats right we closed hotels and sacrificed our #1 bread winner for Intl. Bussiness. No college weeks!! No tourists!! no technical institute!! why after 30 years are we still building a national stadium!! That didnt happen in 30 years lets all stop the B.S and lets move this island forward.
on my first comment i ment to say that didnt happen in the last 13 years
Yes , cause when she shuffled the deck a couple of cards fell out and I believe that one card will go the OBA way . Sweet as Honey , but bitter to the belly .
After years of hurling insults and severe criticisms at Wayne Furbert when he was a member of the UBP,the PLP has handed him one of the most senior posts in the government! The irony is that he now must bring in the cash to help bail them out!
Is he going to set up another pyramid scheme?
Some of you sound like a kid about to lose thier favorite toy.
Funny how you can pick the part linners out of the rhetoric PLP/UBP/BDA/OBA
Maybee we need a coalition government get rid of this party crap. Then i guess we will have something else to complain about.
You couldn’t make tis sh!t up. Furbert. A minister? bwwahahahaha. Clueless.
How intellectually bankrupt and devoid of talent must the PLP be to make Furbert a minister?
Hey, if we wait long enough, Wayne will become Premier… Then he will join the OBA…
Funny how things go around – I remember when Wayne Furbert and Max Burgess saved the UBP’s skin by unexpectedly knocking off Julian Hall and Eugene Blakeney in the 92 (93?) election. Well with the help of all those kinships down in Bailey’s Bay/My Lord’s Bay, can he do it again? Even though the next election will likely be won or lost in the Warwicks, if Wayne has a good night, it’s likely lights out OBA. On the other hand, it would be a hollow victory in-so-far-as Wayne’s record, like the PLP Government’s is worse than vacuous hot air owing to the incredible infrastructure damage they inflicted on Bermuda with their profligacy and their having allowed the psychopath Ewart Brown to spread a culture of intimidation through his lies, hate and deceit – for this latter matter alone the PLP party deserves to lose. As for Madame Premier Cox – I trust her Nigerian adviser continues the good work, as she may soon be unemployed.
PLP will still win next election. OBA (UBP) dont stand a chance.
Always had 25% blacks voting for their masters anyway.Dont need the hn’s
So whitepplarestupid and blacks that don’t support the PLP are house negroes?
And the Opposition is nothing but racists and bigots…riiiiigggghhhttt