Christian Maggio, former Napoli defender, spoke to Radio Kiss Kiss on the season in which the Azzurri touched the Scudetto (17/18): "After the victory in Turin against Juventus, we unwittingly thought about the Scudetto, the goal of Koulibaly had given us hope.Then we all know how it turned out.Inter-Juve seen from the hotel?There were about ten of us watching Inter-Juventus.You feel regret after such a match.I was more serene, while Insigne was angry and disappointed.Reina told us not to watch the game, it was a bit of an eventful evening, we all thought we would see Pjanic being sent off ”.Spalletti prepares the debut in the league Morning of work for Napoli at the SSC Konami Training Center…Morning session at the SSC Napoli Konami Training Center in Castel Volturno.The Azzurri prepare their debut in ...SSC Napoli announces that it has acquired the sports performances of the footballer Salvatore Sirigu.With this …Newspaper registered at the Court of Naples, November 30, 2011 (Reg. N.89) ROC registration number: 37862 Responsible Director: Marco Bergamasco © 2011-2022 - All rights reserved